
What is The pay scale for the poker dealers on television?

by Guest56152  |  earlier

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We enjoy watching High Stakes poke and poker after dark and we were wondering how much the dealers are paid?




  1. The poker dealers you see on TV are employees of the casinos that are hosting the show.  IE.  on Poker after dark, they play at the South Point, the dealer is a south point employee and is paid the same rate $8-10/hour plus tips regardless if she is on TV or not.

  2. I'm not sure what the rate of pay is, but if you ever watch the UK poker, the girl who deals on there, Mandy, i used to share a house with her when we both worked as poker dealers in Dublin.

    It'd be rude to ask her what she makes though.  At a guess, maybe 35,000 pounds a year.

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