
What is Toxic shock syndrome?

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And please, don't give me a link to wikipedia or anything, I've checked there and it doesn't really telll me what it is.

I just wait a straight foward answer of what TSS is. Thanks :)




  1. your period is so that you get all the toxins out of your body. keeping in a tampon defeats the purpose of your period. TSS is when the toxins in your blood are not able to get out and they stay in your body and intoxicate you... its best to avoid this by using pads

  2. Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

    Is when you leave a tampon in for too long

    The recommended time to leave a tampon is, is about 4 hours maximum.

    Because of leaving the tampon in for too long, the blood is left in there causing an infection. This is serious. Women can die from TSS so make sure you stay hygienic and change your tampon regularly.  

  3. When you get an infection, certain kinds of infection, the bacteria multiply and produce a poison (a 'toxin').  This causes you go to into shock. Simple as that.  You can get it from a tampon being over-absorbent and drying you out too much. But you can also get it from a cut in your skin, or even from a sore throat if it's the right kind of bacteria.

    The symptoms are that your temperature goes up, your blood pressure can drop, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and if it's bad enough it can attack your kidneys and other internal organs and cause them to fail.  Serious stuff!

    There is another problem that's very similar that's caused by another bacteria (strep throat) that's called 'toxic-shock like syndrome'.

  4. Do you use tampons? If not you have no worries. If you do the box has a great explanation that is easily understood. It is a virus caused by tampons. please try It is a great source and explains it well.

  5. It's basically caused by a more dangerous strain of the bacteria that cause Staph infections and Strep throat. Tampons aren't the only cause, TSS can also be caused by bacterial exposure to nasal tissue,  during childbirth, and any wound to the skin, including cuts, surgical incisions, and chickenpox.

  6. Its what happens when you leave a tampon in too long. The blood can't get out and causes infection. The symptoms were probably listed on wikipedia, but I do know that if you think you have it you should really get it checked out.

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