
What is UC Santa Barbara famous for?

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What is UC Santa Barbara famous for? Besides a party school, is it known for the bio classes it offers or what? Do people who want to become a doctor go to UCSB? If not then where else?

My overall GPA right now is a 4.1 and I play plenty of sports and am involved in some clubs but if I don't get into UCI, I was looking into UCSB as my 2nd option.




  1. UC Santa Barbara has a very strong Marine Biology program as well as well known Political Science (with emphasis on International Politics) department.

    I went to UCSB and knew many Bio majors.  Becoming a doctor is less about where you do your undergrad, and more about where you go to med school.  UCI has a good bio program, but Irvine is not exactly a "fun and happening" place to be.  The Santa Barbara campus is in Goleta (just outside Satna Barbara) and the town of Isla Vista (right next to campus) is basically built on the school.  Personally, I'd prefer to go somewhere that is targetted for the school rather than the school is just in the middle of another city.

  2. Its pretty famous for its nano tech something.

    biology is an amazing major, considering that its that close to the beach and lagoon.

  3. ;) Biology is a popular major at Santa Barbara. The night life is also pretty exciting. It's a great campus with beautiful sights to see. =)

    I believe that if you're a part of ELC, you're guaranteed admission into a UC, UCSB perhaps being one of them. :)

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