
What is UK waiting for to tighten his relationshsips with EU?

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What is UK waiting for to tighten his relationshsips with EU?




  1. It has to do with Defense, Taxation, and foreign policy.  There are items in the EU contitution that the Brits do not agree with, as well as the French, and the Dutch, Irish

  2. It may be that the political morons are starting to realise that the majority of people in the UK do not want tighter relationships with Europe.

    The last time I looked we were still a democracy and if the people dont want it, we shouldnt be made to have it.

  3. STUFF the poxy eu!!!!!.

    most of us don`t want a tighter relationship with the evil union.

  4. If they join the EU they have to support the poor countries that bring down the value of their money. And France wants to be a world power again and thinks the way to do that is by controlling the EU and the UK won't go for that.

  5. This question seems to presume that the UK should move closer to the Brussels and the the UK isn't and more importantly doesn't want such a suffocating relationship with the Continent.  

    As was stated by other posters there are a myriad of reasons why the UK has maintain a bipolar attitude towards the EU.  The Euro is OK but it also represents a loss of fiscal control.    Heck the power and success of the EU is premised on the relinquishment of member state's sovereignty to Brussels.  Quite understandably both the Brits and others are leery of such things.

    What concerns me somewhat is the entire pseudo-federalisation of the EU.  Have you read the French posturings on the greatness and resurgence a of paix pan-Europa.  I find it for the most part amusing if not for the fact that the whole idea of the EU was originally fluffy.  Yet the EU exists!  It is a moderately great success.  The French and Germans are the de factor bigwigs of the EU.  Yet the FRENCH of all people rejected the EU constitution a few years ago.  The French government could not lead were the people refuse to go.  Have you wondered why the people overwhelmingly told the EU bureaucrats to take the constitution and stuff it?

    I admire methodical attempts by the Germans to slowly recreate a new and greater Customs Union.  It is a pity that the rapid expansion of the EU to include the former Eastern Bloc likely has doomed the dream of a politically and economically integrated Europe.  The parity of the EU member states was pretty good.

    Now however the club is a bit more crowded.  Moreover, economic disparities between the new member states and the West are glaringly obvious.  The very name change in the 1990s to European Union from European Economic community shows the change from being an organisation that was something primarily focused on something more ambiguous and ambitious...a supra-national pseudo-state.

    The UK is left with a rather interesting proposition.  On the one hand, London is one of the leaders and a vital pillar to the success of the EU.  On the other the UK has traditionally also looks towards the the Commonwealth, the US and the Anglo-phone world.  Perhaps it's "Island Mentality" is not such a bad thing.

    That was the medium answer.

    The short of it is that its complicated.

  6. 70%of britains dont want the e.u. because they have not been brainwashed to european standards, they know that europe is corrupt and its all about money and power and capturing and colonising nations, europe has no heart and soul its a cosmetic idea of comfort and convenience. what we realy need is de brainwashing classes throughout britain and make it easier to come out.

  7. The day that all countries in the EU agree to anything will be the day that h**l freezes over and all muslims revert to Christianity.

    Stuff the Euro.

    Stuff the EU.

  8. Like any club you may join, you might find some of the rules easier to embrace than others. In UK we have this strange affinity with our money, the Pound. We still have a bit of 'Island Mentality' in other issues too. As we travel more and intigrate more with other countries in Europe, some of the old inhibitions will die off, as will the people who have them.

  9. The UK are part of the European Union.

    Great Britain is one of it's founding members.

    The UK doesn't have the Euro "€" as it's currency like some other EU countries, e.g. Denmark.

    The United Kingdom held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 July until 31 December 2005.

    Thus, the UK do have tight relationships with the EU.

    The question is wrong or needs to be re-phrased.

    What do you really want to know?

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