
What is UNICEF? What do the letters stand for?

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In what countries is UNICEF active? What does it do? How can a person support UNICEF if they choose to?




  1. UNICEF stands for the United Nations Children's Fund. (It used to be the UN International Children's Emergency Fund, that's why there are extra letters.)

    It promotes the health and welfare of children in developing countries. This means it provides education, helps protect children (against things like human trafficking and child labor among other things), and provides some health care for pregnant women and small children.

    There's a link on their website for making donations, You could also put some money in the kids' boxes when they come around collecting it at Halloween...

  2. It is a "charity" so they say, they also like to take your money and party with it

  3. UNICEF-United Nations International, Cultural, and Educational Fund is almost present in most countries due to its wide scope.  A person can support UNICEF by helping in the education of the the illiterate children particularly in the poor countries.

  4. useless nonothing,s in country,s everbody,s f&^%

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