
What is Veal??????????

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What is Veal??? Is it meat? I heard Vegans/Vegetarians can't eat it.

I don't think I've ate it before. No rude answers please. =)

btw I'm a Vegan =)




  1. veal is meat from a baby cow. they are place in harnesses and then caged so they cannot walk - this is to keep the meat tender and not have muscle developed

  2. veal is a by-product of the dairy industry. When a cow gives birth to a male calf, the calf is killed after 5 days of life and turned into veal.

    :( poor helpless baby cows

  3. its meat from a calf (baby cow)

  4. veal is the meat of  a young cow not more than 1 year old.The baby cow is called calf.The meat is still considered white meat.

  5. if you're vegan I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten it, as you've seen in the answers before mine

    I think I had it once, or tried it, or maybe even refused to try it, I don't remember, the one time my mom made it

    I either didn't like the taste, or even then, before I became a veggie, thought it was wrong and disgusting and mean

    it's terrible that people do that c**p

    and I think it's just as terrible to kill full grown cows as well  :(

  6. A little baby cow that usually is locked up and never gets to see the light of day, then slaughtered.

  7. Baby cow.

    Not only that, they seperate the baby from it's mother, and put it in a special cage that is made without any iron bars, because they starve the baby of iron, to make the meat very white and almost buttery in texture -- you will see chefs talking about it on cooking shows "Oooh, look how white that is... so nice... and aah it cuts just like butter... now there's a really nice slab of veal."

    They call it veal because calling it dead baby cow, just doesn't sound good.  Just like so many other kinds of animal foods.

  8. veal is a calf that has been ripped from its mama right after birth. then it is confined to a very small cage so it can't move around ( so it doesn't develope any muscle to ruin veal lovers meals) Its fed a solution that lacks nutrients that would turn its flesh red like regular steak.  that way it stays white. they never know what it is to be with their mom or smell fresh air or graze in grass like intended. hope this answers your ?

  9. Yeah. It's totally baby cow.

  10. Veal is meat from a juvenile cow
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