
What is Vietnam money in comparison to American money?

by  |  earlier

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How much is Vietnam money in comparison to American money. For example, a green 100,000 vietnam bill is actually how much? How about 20,000 vietnam, or 50,000?




  1. 100,000VND = $6.24USD

    20,000VND = $1.25USD

    50,000VND = $3.12USD

    $1USD = 16,035 VND

    **on new years the value of the dollar goes up a bit too but not too much!

  2. 100,000.00 PHP = 2,379.82 USD

    50,000.00 PHP = 1,189.910 USD

    20,000.00 PHP = 475.9638 USD

    Philippines Pesos    United States Dollars  

    1 PHP = 0.0237982 USD   1 USD = 42.0200 PHP

  3. If you work on 16,000VND = $1USD you'll be close to the mark!

    If you want exact figures go to and you can get the exact exchange rate!

  4. 16,000 vn dong =$ do the math

  5. At the moment $1=VND 16,062 or VND 16,057 . This value depends on each day but generally more than VND 16,000

  6. 1 US Dollar = 15,750.7 Vietnamese money amount

    hope it helps =]

  7. 1 usd = 16,000 dvn

    20000 dvn= 1.25 usd

    50000 dvn= 3.13 usd

    take the dvn/16 .. you'll get the usd


    Jessica.. umm I think she was talking about the Vietnamese money.. not Philipine.

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