
What is Voltaire Best Known For?

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Please Help!

I have to design a poster with quick facts on Voltaire.

Also, What was Voltaire's philosophy on man, gov't, and religion?

What is their greatest contribution to European History?

Thankk You So Much!

I've been doing a lot of research on him, but I thought maybe you could help me with some information of your own?!





  1. When it became too dangerous for him to stay in Paris he retreated to Ferney, France (near Geneva, Switzerland) and was a well known and well loved resident there for many years. They renamed the city Ferney-Voltaire in his honor. Here's a link to their tourism website, including some photos of some statues of Voltaire in the town.  

  2. He was, as well as many other things, a great philosopher  who had a major influence in the french revolution, especially on the whole liberty equality and fraternity thingy.  Emphasis on liberty.  You might want to include a famous quote of his: "History should be written as philosophy." or "The ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination." or "When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. "

  3. He was a French author, humorist, rationalist and satirist, and a leading philosopher of the Enlightenment.  He wrote Candide, Zadig, La Henriade, Discourse on Man.  Check these sites.  They should give you the information you need.

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