
What is WRONG with me?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have some extremely bizarre like....pre-K habits...

i'm a girl, 16, and i eat scabs, hang nail skin, boogers, blood, fingernails, and other stuff like that.


i can't seem to stop!




  1. Hahaha maybe you just havent grown out of it yet.

    I have an idea on how to stop it.

    I used to bite my nails, but i started this thing that if i could go without a week of biting them, then i get to get myself something :]

    a prize, something nice etc..

    so you should do that too, everytime you dont at scabs, hang nail skin, boogers, blood, fingernails, and other stuff like that, you get your self a little prize & eventually you wont do it anymore & try not to focus on it.

    hope i helped :]

  2. All, you have to do is simply..stop.  It may not be easy, but you know it's wrong (gross) and all you have to do is constantly remind yourself...not rocket science here.....:)-

  3. seek medical attention?

    for the nail skin thing, just DONT DO IT. or put some foul tasting polish over your skin. bizarre, but works.

    answer mine?;...

  4. I dont know, just try to stop. I think the boogers and scabs one is the worst. The others not so bad, I mean ive sucked blood off my fingers and I chew nails and hangnail skin.

    I dont think you are that psycho, I know half of these people have done the same exact thing!

  5. You need to check with your physician.  It's possible that you have some metabolic or hormonal imbalances and your body is seeking protein or micronutrients of some kind.  Don't be bashful about describing exactly what you nibble on, just talk to your doctor.  It could be very important to your health.

  6. think to yourself

    wtff am i doingg?!?!?!!?

    im 16.

    so yahhh.

    go think thattttttttttttttttttt

  7. ok, thats disgusting!!!

  8. psychotic.

  9. lmao, im 16 too and eat hang nail skin and fingernails..sometimes ill suck blood off a cut..

    but uhh the scabs and boogers.....thats just plain gross, ive never eaten a scab in my life.

    idk how you can stop, other than looking up online how gross it all really is..but then again itll be hard for you to stop, because personally i dont see anything gross about eating fingernails, yeah i know i know theyre full of germs and whatever, not that ill ever admit that to anyone in person but whatever nothing ever happened to me lol

  10. you need to be desciplined, you weren't ever told what is right and what is wrong, and it's parental failure!

    let me tell you, no man will ever date you or marry you if keep doing this stuff!


    Are you crazy? you eat your booger and drink blood --but you think drinking camel milk is disgusting? --OMG! seek help ASAP!

  11. nothing, your still a kid , youll get there, your fine, lovee

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