
What is Western Civilization?

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Phylosophically speaking, what is Western Civilization? And what is Civilization for that matter? A dictionary definition of "Western Civilization" and "Civilization" would be nice as would your own definition of them which is more in depth and in terms that can be applied culturally, racially, religiously, etc. Just take "Western Civilization" and pick apart its meaning.




  1. Western Civilization is the term we now use to identify the countries of western Europe and North America. These are the countries that have their cultural and traditional foundations in:

    1. Hellenism (Greek thought and philosophy, Renaissance)

    2. Hebraism (Hebrew religion, Christianity, Reformation as well as counter Reformation)

    3. Enlightenment

    4. Imperialism

    These countries are supposedly the countries that uphold individual rights, capitalism, democracy and freedom of thought and expression and are highly industrialized.

  2. Western Civilization would be the "civilized" societies of the west: Europe & Asia mostly. Think of how Egypt developed, and then Ancient Greece and Rome and then compare it to what we know today.

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