
What is Wet Tail? How do you treat it?

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there's alot of talk about Wet tail.

What the heck is it?

How does your hamster get it?

How should you treat it?

Can a gerbil get Wet tail?

Should you call a vet about it?

I don't have a hamster or a gerbil about wet tail, but i just want to know if they ever do get it.

Thank you!




  1. Wet tail is an emergency. It is a bacterial infection. It is when your small pet has extreme diarrhea, caused by many things: stress, diet changes. It causes dehydration, your pet will not eat. It should see a vet immediately where he/she will probably get antibiotics and fluids via IV.

    Any small pet can get wet tail

  2. wet tail is when your hamsters tail gets wet.

    when your hamsters tail gets wet your hamster is most likely to pass away. i don't think there is any treatment that's why you should look after him/her.

    I'm not sure if a girble can get it. oh yeah to prevent your hamster from getting it is to make sure his water bottle isn't leaking. here a web site where you can learn more about wet tail:

  3. Hamsters get wet tail gerbils don't. However gerbils can get tyzzer's disease,(it is rare) but people often call it wet tail! Either way it is deadly and kills fast! You should see a vet ASAP whenever there is a problem with diarrhea in a small rodent! Here is a link about tyzzer's disease

  4. Wet tail is a intestinal disease. I don't know much about wet tail, but here are some websites that will tell you about it.

    Hopefully this will help you with knowing what it is.

  5. It's a BAAAAAD case of diharria. Hamsters can die from it. :(

  6. wet tail is where ur hamsters tail will just get wet for no reason or he has diarheah. it is mainly caused by stress, but there are other causes. im not sure if girbils can get it, but if ur hammie does take him to the vet IMMEDIATLY!!! they will most likely give u a medication that goes in their water. yogurt is also good to feed them when they have wet tail. it is very serious and the most common desiese for hamsters. it doesnt take that long to kill them when they have it. my first hammie died after 3 days from it.

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