
What is Will's Archetype in Cold Sassy Tree?

by Guest61122  |  earlier

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I'm having to do a report on this for school and its due in 5 days i had all summer to do it (my bad) but i need to know his archetype for the very last essay question and i cant for the life of me remember what it is




  1. I don't know if this is what you mean, but Will bases himself off of Rucker Blakeslee. In many ways, Will Tweedy and Rucker Blakeslee are the same man at opposite ends of life's spectrum. Critics frequently describe Will as the mirror image of Rucker in outward appearance and personality. Will and Rucker share a penchant for practical jokes, storytelling, and fighting. Their characters also progress along the same arc—though in different directions—over the course of the story. The novel tells the story of Will's maturation and Rucker's renaissance. Will must learn from his grandfather how to speak his mind and discard the social constraints of Cold Sassy. As Will learns to become defiant and brave, Rucker, whose defiance hardened him, learns to become happy and youthful. Both Will and Rucker move toward the middle point on the spectrum.  

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