
What is Y2K ???????????

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not sure what it is. is it a new rumor ? can you plz tell me what it's all about ?

thanks !




  1. Oh that's ancient. People were worried that, since computers used to keep track of dates with 2 numbers (89 meant 1989), that when the year 2000 came along all the computers would think it was the year 1900. There was a mad rush to change all the code and when the event actually came around, nothing happened at all and now we're set until the year 10000 :)

  2. Y2k is an abbreviation for the year 2000.  What you are probably referring to is the Y2k bug, which was the fear that when the year 2000 came, that computers would malfunction because their internal clocks were not equipped to revert back to a double 0.  These problems were fixed, and it is no longer an issue

  3. Y2K=Year 2000. It was a myth that when the year came about that all the computers were gonna go haywire because they would reset to the year 0000 and everything would be lost. It obviously never happened.

  4. you're about 9 years too late.  

  5. year 2000

  6. If you're under the age of 12 or 13, this was something before your time, either when you were still too young to use a computer or or you weren't even born yet. It's bogus and old news and goes to show how irrational we were before the 21st century. Too bad some of us haven't learned anything from it. 2012 is the new Y2K scare apparently.

    Now I feel old...

  7. old rumor. World was supposed to end in 2000. Just another bogus doomsday like 2012.

    Y = "year"

    2 = well, "2"

    K = "thousand"

    y2k = "year 2000"

    Technology was supposed to fail, asteroids were supposed to crash into Earth. There was some theory about the sun exploding floating around. Jesus was supposed to return. All volcanoes were supposed to erupt. Earth quakes were supposed to happen. There's something about 0's that causes people to think its the end. And apparently 2's too.

  8. Y2K - that is sooo last century!

    In the late 1990's there was a big scare that all the computer programs would s***w up because the year of a date was represented by only 2 digits. For example, 19 August 1998 was represented 19/8/98. So following that system and knowing nothing else (as computers do) what would 19/8/00 mean?

    It turned out that many would, and thousands of 3rd world programmers worked long into the nights in 1999 to fig programs in old languages like COBOL (used by the banks) to fix the problems - or at least prevent them occurring.

    For the most part all this effort worked, and civilization as we knew it then did not come to a spectacular end.

    Y2K means "Year 2000".  

  9. EGG HEAD  the year 2000 that came after december 30 1999

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