
What is YOUR definition of a snob?

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what does a person say/do/act like to make u consider them a snob?

my ex just wrote a nasty blog about me on his myspace saying im a spoiled little brat and a snob. his reasons are that i over dress (i wear heels every day but i wear jeans and a cute shirt not a prom dress) but he wears sweatpants every day so i guess jeans and heels is fancy to him. i would rather go to a wine tasting or out to dinner then go to a keg party... and yes my parents own a large house but my dad came from nothing and busted his *** to get to where he is. i have worked since i was 16 and paid my own bills and not relied on daddys money. the only thing i dont pay is my cell phone bill and my car insurance but thats only because im paying my college tuition and have to save for my masters degree (which i got a partial scholarship for)... im sorry but i dont see how im a snob.

and plus if i was a snob wouldnt i have NOT gone out with him? if i was a snob id have turned my nose up at him and not given him my number but no i went out with him and went camping in the boonies of Maine with him.. how many snobs will pee in the woods? honestly

how do YOU define a snob?




  1. A snob to me is someone that doesn't try for anything and just gets given things all the time and thinks that they are better than everyone else.

    You are not a snob, you sound like a nice and educated person, he's the one who's got a problem.

  2. Someone I see drowning and I can't save them.

  3. A snob is someone who doesn't work because they prefer their parents to do it for them.  A snob also prefers to hang with the beautiful people and will only have the best of the best.

    From what you have written, I don't feel that you are a snob at all.  I see an educated woman who is very influenced by her dad.  Your dad worked hard to succeed so you are doing the same thing.  working hard to secure your future.  

    Yes your family's money is there but you want to make this happen for yourself and  I get the impression that your family are d**n proud of you for makingthoses choices.  Interestingly enough, your boyfriend does not seam to be giving you the same support.

    If anything he sounds like a jealous brat and equallyspite-fulll to say such nasty things in such a public space -My-spacee.  If he loved you and accepted you for yourself then he wouldn't be making such nasty pathetic blogs.  

    So what you like to go wine tasting.  Theres nothing wrong with that, you just like it.  That's part of your personality and the hobbies you enjoy.  

  4. Someone who thinks they are all that, have other people do everything for them, and haven't worked a day in their life. You don't sound like a snob to me, but eh I wouldn't worry about it

  5. A snob to me is a stuck up person.  One who thinks they are God's gift to the world and basically are better than everyone else and they think they know everything.  They live high on the hog and are selfish.  They truly dont care about others feelings and everything is really just about them.  

  6. I'm not talking to you.

  7. a posh noob that doesnt liek working class peopel.

    your not a snob.

    far from it

  8. someone who thinks their better then every1 else because of the area they live in or because of the amount of money they have. you don't sound like a snob at all hes just saying that 2 be a A..s..s..hole. don't worry about it. just act like it doesn't bother you and he'll get sick of it and delete the blog.but if he doesnt the don't get mad get him

    well hope it works out 4 you...


  9. a snob is not necessarily a rich person it is someone who acts as if they are above everyone else. a snob can also be someone who thinks that they should get everything they want because of who they are and what they have done, for example a kid is in a sporting event they score the most points but have the worst attitude and because they score the most they thinks that they should have first pick at everything and extras on the side. a snob will ignore everyone who isnt on there level also.

    by the way you described yourself you are a lucky girl who has worked hard for what you have gotten and you just picked an *** of a boyfriend    

  10. snobs are people who are insecure, they don't feel they deserve their place in society and so question every body's position all the time, I don't see you in this category, you're better off without this young man.

  11. What a loser! My definition of a snob, would be someone who wants to steal the spotlight, self-absorbed, doesn't think of others, and always worries about her looks. I doubt that ur any of that!

  12. ya your not a snob and he is an idiot people have called me a snob before because i don't care what other people think of me. just shows you that there are stupid people all around you

  13. Sounds like he's the one with the problem.  Compromise has to be a 2-way street to work.

  14. your ex has MAJOR issues.  you sound completely normal!  he's insane lol

  15. S. self centered

    N. nasty ***

    O. overbearing

    B. *****

    How's that for an answer?

  16. A snob to me is someone who thinks they are all that but they are not. ~*~

  17. someone who only talks to people that they find appropriate, or like themselves.

  18. it is not likely to provide an perfect answer to this question,you should find it yourself.explore the resource here should be helpful.

  19. somebody with alot of money which makes them feel superior to people with less, enjoys looking down they're nose at poorer people and less well educted and dress and act in way to rub it in other people faces, also reckoning normal things are incredibly common (benifits, crappy houses, that sort of stuff). sounds to me like you've got money but you don't feel that should set you apart from the rest and i think you're ex is probably just jealous of your finacial situation.

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