
What is YOUR purpose in this lifetime?

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Do you know?




  1. To be a good father to my son and make my life all about him

  2. to make this lifetime count

  3. My purpose in life is to try and keep on trying till i achieve success!!! "Success" has always been my goal and i will achieve it one day!

  4. to be an good example of a human being................!

  5. one word: salami

  6. To live as a good humanbeing, try to be like God( like god, not god) and hope  so if i can achieve him.

  7. To sleep with as many women that is humanly possible.

  8. I'm not sure yet. I'm 15.

    I might be a good negotiator or therapist.

    I could be a great writer or photographer.

  9. I guess this question can be asked as many times as their are people. My entire purpose in this lifetime is to live my life and not know my purpose but just to live it and enjoy. For who can know these things but an Ultimate Being. My purpose i am only a part of existence for me to know that i would have to be the entirety of existence. The part cannot know the whole, just as a blade of grass does not know the lawn.

  10. I'm only 16, but I like to think that my purpose is to just bring happiness to the people around me. I like to spread smiles, do random acts of kindness, small stuff to remind people there are still good people here.

    wow, I just sounded corny didn't I?


  11. To experience that feeling which they say comes after "success".

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