
What is YOUR "Achilles`s heel"?

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What is YOUR "Achilles`s heel"?




  1. okay, you know where your heel is? its the  skin rightt above there. i know this because i had a muscle ache in my achille's heel and it really hurt.

    help me?;...  thanks.

  2. My biggest, potentially dangerous weakness is being too trusting...

    I allow people in too quickly, without giving myself enough time to judge their character... And I am too forgiving as well, so people do me wrong, over and over again...

    Those two together will be the end of me...

  3. Achilles was a greek or roman not for sure but in mythology ...when he was born his mother submersed him in the river of the underworld this gave him protection from the weapons of any mortal. the only part of his body that was not protected by the holly water was his heel. at a great battle he was killed because he was shot in the heel by a poisoned arrow. Your Achilles heel is your only or greatest weakness. i hope i helped 8)

  4. Your weakness itz from some greek god achilles

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