
What is YOUR stereotype of someone from Pittsburgh?

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I'm curious... I come from the area and I never actually thought about it before.




  1. I don't have one.  In all honesty, I know little about the place.

    What about people from Indiana?  That's where I live.  :)

  2. Haha my boyfriend is from Pittsburgh and he has a lot to say on the subject, primarily that they all speak "Pittsburghese." See link for more information:

    All of the people I've met in Pittsburgh have been super nice and totally normal with kind of a small-town mentality. They like their Steelers and Penguins games and most work at steel mills, but it's a great city with tons to do.

  3. "most work at steel mills" good gawd girl, get serious! Pittsburgh has been growing as a huge technical and cultural city! Not to mention some of the finest teaching hospitals in the US!! Some of the biggest companies in the WORLD are headquartered here. Small town mentality INDEED.....

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