
What is Yahoo 360???

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Is it a bit like facebook? Coz no one wants to IM on here and when i ask a question, and someone answers me, alot of the time i have follow up questions to their answers. Like when i ask how to wirelessly connect to my router and there like "just IP the DJB to the main processoring mainframe" and i wanna say how?




  1. yahoo 360 is a website where you can make friends and write about yourself. you can add comments to your friend's pages and blogs and things like that. It is like myspace but in yahoo way and its MUCH safer. you could even write about your friends. its called a testimony. well i hoped i helped. :)

  2. its like myspace but safer and better

  3. You have two different questions here. First, you have a Yahoo account (i.e. your Yahoo ID...what's to the left of the @ sign in your e-mail address) that grants access to various Yahoo services.

    Yahoo! Answers is a service where you can ask questions in the hopes of getting good answers. Yet, you don't always get detailed answers. That's just how that service works. Perhaps you can try to post your questions on Y/A again, with more detail and asking for detailed answers. Make sure you are posting in the correct categories as well.

    Yahoo! 360 is a separate Yahoo service that is about social-networking and is similar to Facebook and MySpace in that regard. Technically, if you have a Yahoo ID, then you already have 360. It's one of Yahoo's free services that involves social networking and combines many Yahoo! services into one area.  It stays dormant until you activate it. Check out an old press release that explains "What is Yahoo! 360?": . Many people are using 360 now to find and meet new people. You can check out 360 spaces by searching here: .

    Just like any networking service, it's best to converse with people who actively use the service. You'll have to get to know people and perhaps you'll find more that will IM with you. Yahoo! 360 is a good service to find people who do want to socialize. Y/A is less about socializing on that level.
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