
What is Yahoo's agenda by reporting just the bad economic indicators when there is good economic news?

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There was alot of Good economic news this morning but one curious thing caught my eye. Yahoo's front page "news" one liner "inflation jumps .06% biggest hike since November". Now I watch the market carefully and know what makes investors sell and buy. When investors are continually indundated with bad news they react in kind. There was not one word about the fact that the Dow is way up this morning because of other factors in the economy. So I ask.......




  1. Yahoo is not a news reporting service. It is a news aggregator that delivers whatever news is being reported. It's all automated, so if most of the news is negative, that's what Yahoo makes available to its readers.

    Regarding financial news, other than a spike or two of good news over the last several months, most of the news about the US economy IS bad. Astute investors are fully aware of economic cycles and understand that the greatest returns come from long-term investment.

    Considering the current culture of unchecked corporate greed that has become the norm throughout the Bush terms, investors have good reason to be nervous about the direction our economy has taken and the uncertainty of the impact any future market corrections will have.

  2. If you haven't noticed all the media is constantly harping on bad economic news.  It is an election year and bad news will hurt Republicans more.  

    I get tired of the drum beat of bad news.  It isn't bad where I  live so I don't get it.

  3. The West Is Blocking Web site? I thought only China is doing it !

    France is joining  Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada and New Zealand to block offensive web sites. And New York City  is considering it.

    France to block offensive web sites

  4. well for me they are just doing the right thing...

    ...bec we all should know and care the bad events coz its more needed  for us to know...for us to be warned and also to know how can we protect our selves...

    and to think that more people are interested bout interesting economical bad news and how to solve it... than good news that are already solved.......

  5. You really don't understand financial markets. The DOW is up today because the inflation numbers are in line with expectations, NOT because of "other" economic indicators. Markets are VERY efficient most of the "known" and "expected" news is already priced in.

    I hope you let mutual funds guide your investments and are not a direct investor.

    JDB: Your statement "There was not one word about the fact that the Dow is way up this morning because of other factors in the economy." Your statement is WRONG. Also, if you didn't know Yahoo doesn't do ANY reporting. They just post news feeds from other agencies: AP, Reuters, AFP. So your supposed "beef" should be with the AP, et. al.

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