
What is Yahoo doing about spammers who post bad content? Is there answer to move group to "adult" category?

by  |  earlier

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One of my groups was moved to the "adult" category because of people not following the guidelines. I tried my best to stop them... banning members, reviewing messages before they were posted, I even reported the abuse to Yahoo, and forwarded some of the content of what spammers were posting. It was all ignored until a member in my group complained and now Yahoo moved my group into the "adult" category. I've closed the group temporarily until I can hopefully speak to someone about all of the spam in the groups that Yahoo says they take seriously. It's time for them (Yahoo) to start walking there talk. Does anyone know who I can talk to about this rise in group spammers?




  1. sometimes groups go to adult due to complaints, they also go to adult due to a bot glitch and there was never any adult content to begin with.

    if you send this form, remove all adult content, restrict membership and moderate new members, yahoo would change it out of adult for you. just include the category it should be in. yahoo has also been known to reverse this after reviewing complaints.

  2. You can contact Yahoo Customer support about this issue:

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