
What is Your First Memory?

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Mine was seeing my grandfather for the first and only time. I remembered him pulling up in a station wagon and I asked my mom when I was a kid, and she said he did have a station wagon and I couldn't have been more then a year old.




  1. I remember walking out of my grandmother's house when I was two years old and playing with the dog in the yard. My uncle came out and took me back inside and sat me on the couch where I watched him take the lock and move it up so that I supposedly couldn't reach it. I looked at it and knew it had to go up for me to go out so I went and got a broom and pushed the lock up and then went out of the house utterly frustrating my grandparents and uncle that day.

  2. My first proper memory really comes from when i was aged 6. I lived in my own imagination and every person in my life was a character from a disney film. I was jasmine because i wanted to escape the "palace walls". My dad was geston because he wore large black boots. I remeber soo vividly the feel of my mams new white sheets and my cotton tom and jerry blanket on a certain summer sunday when i had made a tent from a hanging sheet off the side of my sofa. I do not remeber who i saw that day, nor who talked to me, even what it is i got up 2..but i remembering dreaming..and the feels of those white sheets. and that is my first proper memory.

  3. I remember walking to my dad, stumbing along the way, wering a pink dress. He kept saying, "Come here my little wamponoga(or "indian girl," which he still calls me. lol) Sure enough, it was my first time walking. We have it's like dajavo. :]

  4. I asked my mom how old I was and she said one year, and I was dep[ressed that I was still so young.

  5. I remember being around 2 and I would sneak into my parents bed while they were "playing" i was supposed to be sleep, I could not sleep alone!

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