
What is Your Profession and what are your daily tasks?

by  |  earlier

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im just curious and a little bored. Im a Veterinarian Assistant. I deal with dogs and cats and sometimes birds. i take theire weight and things like that and sometimes clean up p**p, not very glamourous but i love them lol!




  1. Ok, Mandy, I will tell you. I just hope you don't think any less of me. I drive a garbage truck. As far as my daily tasks, well it is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. I am a professional truck driver, who has been over the road for along time. This job lets me get home, every night. I don't mind. It's a living. Good question.

  2. I am an Accounts Payable Specialist.  I enter invoices daily to be paid and cut checks twice a week.  I also have to chase down Project Managers to get corrections made on invoices.  I also have to balance to statements every month.  We receive anywhere from 100-200 invoices daily to be entered, and statements for about 1500 vendors a month.  I am exhausted by the end of the day!!  Very Very fast paced!!

  3. I am a professional nag as my man would have it.

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