
What is Your favorite part in Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse?

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i want t read brkin. dawn

i want t hear hear opinions




  1. My favorite part in Twilight is when Bella and Edward go to the meadow the very first time!! :) :)

  2. everytime he kisses her or she finds out something new about him.

    its a great romance story

  3. john wayne walking off into the sunset.

  4. Twilight: When she has lunch with Edward for the first time.

    New Moon: The End, when Edward comes back

    Eclipse: ALL OF IT!!!!! I ♥ THAT BOOK WITH A PASSION!!!!!

    Breaking Dawn: Haven't read it, but I will! Whoo!

  5. i think the part wher he killed her and then he laughed and ran away with his sister and then he killed her too and then he watched a movie and then he eat something and thennnnn.........he died

    and then....some guy at his funerall went to las vegas and got married....and thennnnnnnnnnnn..........his wife killed him......and then his wife went to china and ate sushi!!!

    YEAH GO SUSHIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. When Jacob kisses bella in chapter 23 of eclipse that part was amazing!

  7. Twilight-when bella gets hurt and edward saves her, hospital

    New Moon- Edward comes back to Bella

    Eclipse- Jacob snuggles with Bella and gets her warm

  8. twilight- when bella and edward first kiss

    new moon- when bella and edward get back together

    eclipes- when bella says she'll marry edward

  9. im barely in the middle of new moon...  i really like the Twilight series.  My favorite part is when edward and bella are in the meadow.. its real to me. i feel like im those trees watching and experiencing everything.  

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