
What is Your impression about FINANCIAL AID of the best Universities of home and abroad?

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What is Your impression about FINANCIAL AID of the best Universities of home and abroad?




  1. Depends on your income. If you make below 60,000, Harvard University will pay for your education.

    However, the more the university costs, it seemingly looks like the university will offer more money. But thats to make it competitive and attract students who might otherwise attend a public university because it is more cost effective.

    I think it all evens out in the end.

    My roommate's boyfriend attend Princeton university and plays football there, he ends up paying 9,000 a year for Princeton which costs like 50,000 a year.

    However, some of those Ivy/Baby Ivy schools might be stingy on the scholarship money for those who are middle class.

  2. My impression is that the more money a university costs, the greater will be their financial aid offer.  Also, I am under the impression that some colleges (MIT, SWARTHMORE ) will meet 100% of your financial need.

    At MIT, we have three guiding principles for undergraduate admissions and financial aid:

        * We seek out and admit the most talented and promising students without regard to their family financial circumstances.

        * We award undergraduate aid on the basis of financial need only. This means that we don’t offer any merit or athletic scholarships.

        * We meet the full need of each undergraduate for all four years.


    Since the fall of 1981, the College (SWARTHMORE) has sought to protect its lowest-income students from the burden of debt by limiting their loans to a maximum of $1,000 a year.

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