
What is Your opinion about...?

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I am in a relationship. I have been for over 2 months. We have gone on dates and everything. We have been friends for years. I really enjoy the guy that i am with. He is simply amazing. I sometimes get really upset if I havent talked to him that day.

I want to tell him what is on my mind but I am not sure if I should. I think I am falling in love with him. But I dont want to scare him away or anything. What is your opinion? Should I tell him? I know if I do I will tell him in person. He is very hard to read, meaning its hard to read what he is feeling, he doesnt show a lot of emotion. He shows alot of emotion when we kiss. Any suggestions on anything will help greatly. Thanks!




  1. I think you should wait until you are absolutely sure that you love him. There's no point telling him all that, then realizing that you don't actually love him some time later. Maybe wait until after a passionate kiss or make out session and just spring it on him and say "I love you".


  2. tell him at the right moment do just walk up to him and say

    i love! cause ya he will be freaked so tell him you love him when

    your kissing sense thats is when he gets most romantic right?

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