
What is a 1 in. punch and a 0 in. punch?

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Can anyone describe what the one inch and zero inch punches are? Is it possible to successfully execute either strike?




  1. yes it is posible.

    my instructor has demonstrated this on me and it is very painful. it iss all about movine you body in the right way with perfect timing so you can put all your body weight behind the punch. i have never heard of the 0 inch punch but i have heard of 1 and 3 inch. 0 inch punch would be very different because it would end up as more of a push than a strike and it needs to be a strike to work properly.

  2. david is correct

    its fajing.

    its an internal skill

    it is true explosiveness.

    it can be done from zero inches and it doesn't always need to be done with a punch. 1 inch punch was just popularized by bruce lee to prove to the other martial artists that you dont need to chamber or wind up your punch to get power. people that try to copy this technique will probably be doing it wrong, their 1 inch punch will be a trick, and not a skill, therefore unreliable

  3. A 1 in. punch is a punch from a distance of 1 inch. I've never heard of a 0 in. punch. From 0 inches it would probably be considered more of a push and a punch. Of course you can successfully execute them, but they're not going to be very strong.

  4. One inch or zero inch or whatever inch, are the basics for Wing Chun Kung Fu showing that you can exert power from a short distance by just relaxing. Yes it's possible to successfully execute this strike, my instructor barely puts in power and he has me walking about 3 steps back every time he does it. There is also one inch elbows, one inch palms, etc. And it's practical, it can be useful when you're in a clinch or on the ground, i've done it plenty times when grappling with my friend in the pool and even in slippery water i can achieve it quite well but note this; if you were to ever practice it on someone, never hit a weak spot, only hit where the strong muscles are, any mistake and you can possibly injure them for life. Playing with Gung Fu is like playing with fire, my sifu always sais.

  5. A 1 inch punch can be done and can be effective if developed. Bruce Lee is the person most people speak of when talking about the 1 Inch punch.

    It is done from the distance of one inch. It requires you t use your speed to create power.

    I have never heard on a 0 inch punch.

  6. An "energy strike" see: Fa-ch'ing.

    They are very well known in the Chinese Internal Martial Arts (especially T'ai Chi Ch'uan.)

  7. The one inch punch is a technique present in many styles of kung fu. Wikipedia does this more justice than I ever can:

    The One inch punch is a skill which uses fa jing (translated as explosive power) to generate tremendous (although unmeasured) amounts of impact force at extremely close distances. When performing this one inch punch the practitioner stands with his fist very close to the target (the distance depends on the skill of the practitioner, usually from 0-6 inches). Then in one explosive burst, the legs root, the waist turns, the ribs expand and the arm extends through the target. It is crucial that the entire body move in unison, or else the power will be limited. The target in such demonstrations vary, sometimes it is a fellow practitioner holding a phone book on the chest, sometimes wooden boards can be broken.

    The zero-inch-punch... Well, there are only two that I know of. Song T. Park of Kiai-do does a "technique" wherein he puts his fist against somebody at 3/4s to full extension and pushes as he twists his hips, creating a shoving strike. The other is my personal favorite. Derren Brown performed a "zero inch punch" wherein without touching the subject, he caused them to fall down. This one I'll never give away the secret to. Muhahahaha. No, really, it's just suggestion. If you understand "chi manifestation" in terms of suggestibility, you can create the same effect.

    There. Was it good for you?

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