
What is a 3 phase traffic light?

by  |  earlier

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To clarify, yes, I do know that a traffic light has red, yellow, and green light.

However, my question is if a 3 phase traffic light meant that it was guided a certain way. For example, east, west goes first, followed by a left turn, followed by north, south. etc.




  1. A three phase traffic light is a traffic light that uses three colors in sucession in order to controll traffic and cycles normally every 30-45 seconds. From bottom to top the colors are green, amber, and red. Most operate automatically by timers, some have wire coils next to the light that when a vehicle with a rather large clearance hits it, then it will change to amber and then red. Finally some are controlled by pedestrians in rather non-busy intersections where the pedestrian has to hit the button to go through the crosswalk before the light will change. To answer your other question usually the light turns to a green arrow for turning cars while the straight through light remains red while the green arrow is lit up, and then after the arrow turns off the straight through light turns green which means people at that particular intersection may go straight through the light or turn right or left, but the left turning vehicles must yield to any oncoming traffic from the same intersection because they have the green light too. Hope this makes sense!


    repeat cycle

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