
What is a 'freshman' and a 'softmore'?

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i come from oz and these terms are constantly used in american movies. confuuuused.




  1. Freshman = 9th grader

    Sophomore = 10th grader

  2. freshman is someone who is in their first year of high school (9th grade). while a sophomore is someone who is in their 2nd year of high school (10th grade)

  3. the first 2 years of a 4 year school. can be high school OR college.

    the last 2 years are called junior and senior years.

  4. A freshman is a term for the first year of an education setting (high school, college) Sophomore is a term used to describe the second release, mostly used in education terms. Also sophomore is Greek for wise-fool.

    Makes sense, FRESHman because your new/fresh. And sophomore/wise-fool because your wise enough but yet not all the way there yet.

  5. First off, it's sophomore.

    Now, a freshman is someone who's in their first year of high school. So they're in the 9th grade.

    A sophomore is someone who's in their second year of high school. So they're in the 10th grade.

  6. freshman is a ninth grader and a sophmore is a tenth grader

  7. A freshman is a ninth grader,

    and a sophomore is a tenth grader.

    A junior is an eleventh grader

    and a senior is a twelfth grader.

    We don't talk like this where I live

    either. I live in Canada.

  8. Freshman - 9th grade

    Sophmore - 10th grade

    Junior - 11th grade

    Senior - 12th grade then you graduate and do the same thing all over again in college.

  9. freshman: a student in his 1st year of high school, aka 9th grade

    sophomore: a student in his 2nd year of high school, aka 10th grade

    junior: a student in his 3rd year of high school, aka 11th grade

    senior: a student in his 4th year of high school, aka 12th grade

  10. The term "freshman" refers to people who are in the first year of high school (9th grade) or college (a college freshaman, or a "first-year"). A "sophomore" is a person in their second year of high school (10th grade) or college (a college sophomore, or a "second-year").

  11. They are both high schoolers! Freshman is the first year of high school also known as the nineth grader! sophmore is the next year! Sophmore is the second of four years in high school! Sophmore is the tenth graders!

  12. Freshman = 9nth grader

    Sophomore = 10nth grader

  13. a freshman is in his/her first year of high school or college and a sophomore is in his/her second year

  14. a freshman is a student who is entering high school for their first year and a sophmore is a student who is entering high school for their second year

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