
What is a 'radical birth mother'???

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Is that different from your average garden variety birth mother??

Is such a concept once again showing the hypocrisy in adoption - where potential birth mothers are praised when they're considering adoption for their newborn before birth - in fact they'll almost thought of as saintly by those that would want their child - but then frowned upon once the act of relinquishment has occurred or if they become too bothersome after the ink has dried on the ownership papers of the child??

Is a 'radical' birth mother named so - simply because she speaks out against unethical practices in adoption??

Shame on her!! She's trying to save people from pain.

How dare she speak her truth to the world!!

Are the many adoptees here that speak up - really 'radical birth mothers' in disguise?? As has been suggested in an answer here -;_ylt=Av92aKllDG3Cfm.0OrAooKtq.Bd.;_ylv=3?qid=20080818075132AAbChb4

(and why would they want to hide behind a disguise of an adoptee - that's what really confuses me.......)

For me - I'm just a wee adoptee. No conspiracy theory here.

Come out you radical birth mothers - show yourselves!!

Where are you hiding???




  1. Your question is radically odd.  Do you actually have a question or did you just want to rant?

  2. She rides a skateboard while giving birth?

  3. Man- **** just hit the fan the past couple of days huh...

    but really, I understand what you're saying, but what are you asking?

  4. Oh, you know the type.  They were convinced by adoption agencies to surrender their babies to "more deserving" married couples.  When they try to warn other women not to be duped by the lies told by adoption agencies, they are told that they alone were responsible for their choice so now they need to blame themselves and suck it up and live with it.  But most of all - they are told to just SHUT UP already and not scare away any more baby bearers.  Jeez, fewer than 1% of unplanned pregnancies result in adoption.  Do you want infant adoption to go away altogether?

    They are just ruining the happy-clappy, rainbows and fairy tales adoption land.

  5. First mothers disguising themselves as adopted persons in order to state their views on adoption reform?  It sounds like someone's paranoid.  

    I'm an adopted person.  I've never relinquished a child.  Heck, I'm infertile, so I've never even given birth to a child.  

    I'd like to see reforms in adoption.  There's certainly nothing radical in wanting to improve a system that has a history of secrecy, dishonesty and discrimination.  Why would openness, honesty and equal treatment under the law considered radical?   Actually, the history of adoption included all of those at one time.  Therefore, anyone wanting to bring those back would be better described as conservative, or possibly reactionary, in terms of adoption law and practice!  Why would someone think that any person in favor of such is perhaps a "birthmother" posing as an adopted citizen?

    Paranoia?  Fear?  Lack of insight?  Well, it's too bad, but there will always be a few out on the fringe who are such.

  6. Don't rant on here, Possum.

    You know I'm generally on your side but..

    I'm serious. Enough with the sarcasm. I think you're starting to go overboard a little.

  7. i don't think there are any. just another adoptee hurling insults even though they are the first to complain that the ones they label as angry are insulting them. pot called kettle black!!!

  8. Actually, I've run across a few PAP's who pose as adoptees, as weird as that sounds.  Heh, but i' had someone e-mail me a few days ago accusing me of being a first mother in disguise. (Hilarious!  I guarantee you, folks.  This is a purely baby free zone.)

    But nope, no conspiracies here.  I'm just a normal garden variety ungrateful b*****d, at your service.

    ETA:  Can I be labeled a 'radical adoptee?'  That just sounds so flippin cool!

  9. Here I am, Radical Senior Mother, mad as h**l and not going to shut up any more.  I post as who I am, however, since my days of shame and living in silence about the treatment I received and the loss of my son to adoption are past.  I haven't got the time left to tell lies.  

    Seems to me that that is NOT the specialty of the mothers, that lie thing.  There are others who are way more accomplished at that than we are.  Ask some of them.

    Sandy Young - SMAAC


  10. Here I am. Oh wait no I am way to radical to ever be called that word. I guess that makes me a radical first or natural mom.

  11. Dear Possum,


    Let me begin by saying:

    I like to think there isn't really an average garden variety anybody; that we are unique and should each be respected and treated with our uniquenesses in mind. However, there are many people who are extremely judgemental and self-rightous who were never even though tact, much less tolerance wandering about the planet. Some of them are harmless (due to their lack of intelligence) but others are causing damage, large (For example, some of the ones making poorly thought out and discriminatory laws about access to records and FP & Adoptee Rights) and small (Like spending their time being pesky and anonymously cruel over the internet.) Both kinds of damage are bad and both can be emotionally painful or even angering, but I prefer to think that the larger of the two types of these people (and the ones we need to focus on) are the ones making and benefitting from the damage they cause.

    As to the "radical" comment, I haven't got time to be more than one person on here (Ias I'm busy with my kids, husband and life and all..) and I can't imagine why would I want to - I have enough things to say from my pov without trying to word it from a perspective I haven't lived. But if being a "radical" means speaking my mind, educating others to the best of my ability, volunteering my time to make positive changes in the world, sharing my story with others in order to illustrate the otherside no matter how difficult that can be at times, being a voice for those who may not have found theirs or advocating for those who need help, etc. .....Then by all means, call me "RADICAL". Not only will I wear the title proudly but IMO, it puts me in league with many other people who were called radical who I consider to be heros.

    Many of the world's greatest leaders, scientists, humanitarians, activists, etc. were considered "radical" at some point or another, I would be honored to stand amongst them branded a "radical!




    Joan of Arc

    Thomas Jefferson

    Ben Franklin

    John Adams

    Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley

    Florence Nightengale

    Abraham Lincoln

    Harriet Tubman

    Emmeline Pankhurst

    Alice Burns

    Lucy Paul

    Margaret Sanger

    Joseph Shindler

    Albert Einstein

    Eva Perone

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Rosa Parks

    (these were just the ones I could think of at the moment...)

  12. Once a person posted a Q wanting to adopt because she was infertile and wanted a child any way possible ASAP.

    She made the mistake of posting her e-mail address so women looking for PAPs could e-mail her.

    I crossed it on Myspace and found she was a first mom and who was in a 3 way relationship looking for a good time.

    So I'm sure it happens, but I guess you could suggest that she feels that she can't talk about her TRUE feelings regarding losing her child  to foster care and turned to posing as a. entitled AP for therapy

  13. Ya know, i never thought of that! If they are birth mothers posing as adoptees that would Make A wholeeeee Lot of sense  

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