
What is a 9 months old considered ?

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when is a baby no longer a baby and when is a baby a toddler ?




  1. Infant.  Toddlers are like 2.

  2. nope. Still a baby! Enjoy :)  I considered my baby a baby even when he was 4!  LOL

  3. I consider my kids infants until they start walking...then they are Toddlers...because they "toddle"...get it?  Well, that's how I see it anyway!  :)

    Good luck!

  4. They are infants until they are walking/running and then they are toddlers. Usually around 18 months.

  5. The term 'toddler' refers to movement and their ability to 'toddle' around. Technically when they can walk they are considered 'toddlers' although at Gymboree and Baby Gap they still call four year olds 'babies' based on their clothing lines.

    But as a mother...they'll always be your babies no matter how old they are.

  6. infants become toddlers when they start toddling - walking!! so around 12-18 months

  7. A newborn is until about 2 months old.

    An infant (baby) is until about 12 months old.

    A toddler is from 12 months to 24 months.

    A preschooler is from age 2-5.

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