
What is a BLOG and how do i start one?

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What is a BLOG and how do i start one?




  1. Blog is ur online journal!

    ur blog can also include words, photos, or both.

    u can easily add a photo to blog entry if u want. also make bold text, change colours & backgrounds, format ur text, or add emoticons & even web links. If u know HTML, u can make even more changes.

    start here:

    on the My Blog page,

    click "Compose New Entry."

    click the "Browse" button, & in the box that pops up,

    select the photo from ur computer, then click "OK."

    The location of the photo file on ur computer will appear in the text box.

    click "Preview"

    when you're done with ur blog entry,

    click "Post This Entry."

    goodluck ^_^

  2. It is like on online diary, a weB LOG.

    You can start one by typing " Today I started a blog".

  3. A Blog in like an online diary, only people can see what you write in this diary. To start one type blogger into google click the top link and follow the steps to creating your own.

    Good day!

  4. a blog is where u can type practically anything and if u wanna make one, u gotta sign up for a website like myspace or facebook

  5. ...a blog is a home next to may also call it ur diary something like that. you may write there whatever you want to and what cames up on ur mind... have a free blog which is supported by friendster. is that you should have a fs account and for further instruction in making a blog proced here:

    ...i lot of tutorials in the site...hope i helped you.

  6. Just google "free blog sites"....there is a ton

  7. "Blog" Is the sound a dull object makes when it hits the soft part of your head at a high velocity.

  8. First, let's give the 360-specific answer, since we're in that section.

    You can blog directly from your Yahoo 360 profile by clicking the appropriate link. The primary advantage of THIS blog is that you can link directly to it from your Yahoo Answers profile, so if you are a frequent contributor HERE, people can check out your blog without you having to post a bunch of "questions" asking people to check out your blog. Check out my profile for an example of this.

    However, for MAXIMUM flexibility and freedom with your blog, being able to do things like (1) pick whatever theme you want (look and feel), which widgets you want (additional functionality), and what scripts you want to add (YouTube videos for example), for all of that, you'll need to go through a two step process.

    1) Get yourself a free web hosting account (one without ads is the best way to go).

    2) Install software that lets you blog. The best ones are all 100% free -- Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, etc.

    Here's a site that has a good selection of free WordPress themes, to give you a taste of what a blog can look like when you have complete control...

    And here's a step-by-step tutorial I wrote on how to get a WordPress blog installed and up and running (just log in as a guest to have a peek)...

    As to the definition, well, officially it's short for WeB LOG. It started as an online journal or diary, but the good ones read more like a regular column in a newspaper or magazine, and the range of subjects are similar, anything from reviews to news reporting to random observations about the meaning of life and the nature of the universe.

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