
What is a Beet ( american food I think )?

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Also what is a redneck?




  1. A beet is a red vegetable ,very tasty in my opinion.  A redneck is a backwoods hillbilly type person.

  2. 1 Vegetable

    2. A blue collar worker who is willing to get his/her hands dirty.

  3. Beetroot is a fine old english food, with a sweetish taste and a beautiful dark mauve/red colour........ often pickled

    sugarbeet is a basis for ordinary sugar (an alternative to cane sugar)

    a redneck is a type of american chav

    often noted for being dumb, living in caravans (trailors), liking country music and being bigoted

  4. Well, when abbreviated to beet, it is often referring to sugar beet, a predominantly 'white' root vegetable that can be used for cattle feed, but as its name implies is rich in sugar which can be extracted. During WWII, when it was difficult to obtain sufficient supplies of sugar from abroad, the UK grew sugar beet to supplement their sugar supplies. Sugar is still extracted from sugar beet today.

    The other kind of beet is ordinary red beetroot, a deep almost purple root vegetable that is usually boiled and eaten with salads. It is often pickled in vinegar, may be sliced or whole (small ones - referred to as baby beets).

    A redneck is an American term - from Wikipedia :-Redneck, in modern usage, predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of people who may be found in many regions of the United States (especially the Southern regions) and Canada. Originally limited to the Appalachians, and later the Ozarks and Rocky Mountains, this stereotype is now widespread in northern states and the Canadian provinces. The word began as a pejorative classist slur with a racial component, indicating poor, ignorant persons of European descent, but has also been 'reclaimed' and is now often used by those wishing to show pride in their heritage.

  5. Sugarbeet (cattle feed) or beetroot??

  6. beetroot is what the americans call beets

  7. Beet root - that dark red root.

  8. This is a beet. A vegetable that is usually pickled in vinegar and sugar. Usually found on a buffet. They are good!

    Redneck is just a stereotype often topic of jokes.. People who are backwards, dumb, and do things wrong or in there own hillbilly way .

    Examples of a redneck.

  9. Sugar beet has been used as a cattle food for many years also sugar beet is processed to get sugar. it can be eaten (never tried it myself)

  10. A beet is what the Americans call beetroot.The other kind of beet is sugar-beet but this is usually used as food for animals or as a source of sugar rather than as a human food-plant.

    The term 'redneck' was originally used to describe people who worked mostly outdoors and therefore had red and sunburnt necks.Nowadays it is used to describe a class of people who are sort of like American versions of chavs-racist and lazy and heavy drinking and uneducated-except while chavs over here are mainly urban thugs rednecks are more often country people.

  11. you don't know what a beet is? wow, you're retarded... it's a red rooted vegetable...there are beets everywhere

  12. its sugarbeet

    a redneck is a farm worker or any other menial worker- so called because they have the sun on their necks all day (redneck - sunburn)

  13. Ah, rednecks live all around me.  They are usually missing some teeth, drink beer, play the lottery, do not speak using correct english, they are under educated

  14. it is somekind of plant.

    redneck is a person has a "red neck".

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