
What is a Branch office ?

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I saw on a web site two contact addresses, an office address and a Branch office address.




  1. smaller version of the home office that reports to the home office

  2. A Branch office is an office that serves a certain geographic or demographic area to expand the access of customer services and other services available to beyond the home office. It also allows the company to have presence in more communities than just the one where the Home Office or General Office or Headquarters is located.

    A branch office is set up as a point of convenience, but still needs the main office / headquarters to authorize certain transactions, therefor it is not AUTONIMOUS and is not like a Franchise in anyway.

  3. Definition: A smaller, remotely located office that is separate from a company's corporate headquarters

    When you find yourself and your employees traveling frequently to a specific locale, it may be time to consider opening a branch office there. That will reduce the need to travel and greatly improve your coverage of the remote office. For many locations, such as international markets many time zones away, a branch office may be the only feasible way to serve a particular market.

    Be careful about opening a large number of branch offices simply to reduce travel time and costs, though. It can cost far more to staff, lease, equip and maintain an office than to conduct numerous business trips. Cost out the alternatives carefully, and only commit when you can find the right location, the right personnel and the right price.

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