
What is a Church affiliated school?

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What is a Church affiliated school?




  1. A school that is not part of a church, like a parish school, but has roots with a certain religion. For example I went to Episcopal school my whole life. There was no official church on campus but there was a chapel used by the school community and there were ministers/reverends.

  2. In my experience, it's a school sponsored by a particular church or by a parish or diocese.  For example, First Baptist Church may underwrite some of the expenses for a school that might be on their campus or elsewhere in town.  The school board that oversees the school would probably be members of that church.  Or, a parochial school would be Catholic or Lutheran or Episcopal (or something else), where the school is not on the same grounds of the church, but rather several congregations in that diocese contribute to the running of the school.

  3. A school that follows a particular religion. Say there is a school called Saint Mary's or something like that, then they might be affiliated with a religion such as Christianity. Schools affiliated with religions are always private and never public. They generally have their own church at the school and study that religion.

  4. It is a school usually private that shares an endowment with a religious organization. In many cases, staff from both organizations work codependantly. Often times they are referred to as perochial schools.

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