
What is a Diplomatic Courier Delivery?

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I just want to know what that is.

And an International Bank Transfer is when you use your Account No. Right?




  1. Things that bypass the post office and go by diplomatic courier through the channels of the State Department.

  2. Diplomats can carry anything they want in their Official Diplomats' Sacks O' Stuff, so they use these bags to smuggle drugs, p**n, alcohol, and human heads into countries that don't allow those things.

    Official Diplomats' Sacks O' Stuff are protected under international law - ooops, I mean International Law - from being searched or seized.

    You could even smuggle lettuce in one, if you were wild enough!

  3. Everyone else gave adequate answers; I just want the extra points!

  4. The Diplomatic Courier service is the State Department's own internal shipping service. Most countries have some kind of service like this. Packages bypass customs inspections, and are thus a secure form of delivery for secret papers or items that you wouldn't want a not-so-friendly government to have access to. Material sent through the service varies from documents, to computers, to locks and security systems - all things you wouldn't want an unfriendly host to have access too.

    An international bank transfer is an instruction between banks to send funds from one account to another. It is like email for money you could say.

  5. It is the term used for sppedy delivery by the courier companies. If you type in google DIplomatic Courier servcie you get 100's of them, and all are courier companies. It has nothing to do with the diplomats or their sacs. Since our ordinary shipments are not carried by Diplomats ah ah ah.

    International Bank Transfer is a money transfer that you make from bank to bank. Presuming you are in US and sending money to India from any bank in US to local bank of yours or your friends/relatives in India it is called International Bank Transfer.

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