
What is a Dollar Dance?

by  |  earlier

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I've seen people refer to it a few times on here. I know it has nothing to do with this at all but when I hear that I think "toonie dances" which are dances done at strip clubs in Canada for toonies. lol. So what is it exactly?




  1. A dollar dance is during the reception at a wedding, everyone one will line up to dance with the groom or bride and pin a dollar or some other amount of money to there clothes. Its always very fun!

  2. Everyone who wants to pays the bride or groom (most of the times both) a dollar to dance with them for a little bit (usually about 30 seconds). This is considered an opportunity to wish them well, and talk about how nice the wedding was. The maid of honor/best man are usually responsible for taking the dollars and for keeping the line of people waiting to dance moving at a reasonable speed.  

  3. everyone that dances with the bride has to to give her a dollar.

  4. it is when your guests pay a dollar to dance with you..female guests dance with the groom male guests with the bride. I have heard a lot of ppl on hear say they use the extra $$ aas spending money for their honeymoon.

  5. This is a dance that all the guests that want to dance with the bride  or groom line up and pay a dollar to dance for roughly a minute with them. It is some fun and a way for the bride and groom to get more money.

  6. Everyone that wants to dance with either the bride or groom pays a dollar (or more if they want) for a couple secs

  7. The Bride and Groom are on the dance floor.  The DJ plays slow songs, and the Maid of Honor and Best Man collect money.

    The DJ announces that the Bride and Groom are going to do a Dollar Dance, and if you would like to dance with either, you would line up on either side of the dance floor.  Give the denomination, from 1, 5,10, 20, or whatever they wished, to the MOH or BM, then they get to dance with the bride or groom.

    Sometimes it's a competition to see who would collect the most money.

    It's usually promoted as a way to help them on their honeymoon, or gas money, or as a fun competition.

    Most importantly, it gives people a few minutes to dance with either/both and talk to them one-on-one.  It's not about amounts, it's about having fun.

    It's a lot of fun when you get guys to dance with the Groom!

    Hope you have a good time!

  8. Dollar Dance's are great way for extra cash on your honey moon too. Everyone will pay the bride any dollar amount to dance with here, you can even do a auction like bid. Also, i had my dollars safety pinned to my veil. Cheesy but so much fun!

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