
What is a Dutch swimming instructor?

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I thought that when you're a swimming instructor country, race, and sexual orientation has no meaning, right? To teach the fundamentals of swimming means you have taught a bunch of people how not to die in the water. Some basic CPR, do a dead mans float, etc. all that good stuff. What the heck did some guy reference himself as a "Dutch" swimming instructor? Are the Dutch really all that great at swimming? Did they invent the sport? Can someone clarify this with me?




  1. hehe, are you talking about me? cus i usually sign off with dutch swimming instructor.

    70% of the netherlands is underwater. every farmers field is surrounded by water. every city has motes, canals and rivers, and shitloads of them.

    on top of that, every dutch child between the age of 5 and 7 starts swimming lessons. really no exception. most parents start their childs at the ages of 5, children that do not get swimming lessons bytheir parrents, get swimming lessons in primary school, every single one of them.

    dutch people tend to think being able to swim is really important because there's a lot of water around. so ye, we do have a lot of swimmers.

    are you offended by instructors stating their nationality? i personally feel its a mark of quality, since you actually have to graduate at the KNZB (dutch swimmers league) to be able to call yourself a dutch swimming instructor.

  2. He may have just been saying he was a swimming instructor who happens to be of Dutch origin, and not implying that he was uniquely qualified because he was Dutch.

    Could be a language issue

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