
What is a Fair Taxation system for the USA?

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1) Do you consider yourself a Socialist or Capitalist?

2) What politcal party do you support?

3) Please write a brief ESSAY describing what fair system of taxation you think the US should implement to replace the current one.

If you decide to answer this question then please answer all THREE portions since they try together to the validity of the answer.




  1. 1. Capitalist

    2. Conservative Republican

    3.. Do away with income tax a place a fair taxation in sales tax. Do not give any credits to "poor" or minorities. Do away with SSA, Medicare, and Medicaid. Place a 2 month time limit on Unemployment benefits, Welfare, and foodstamps. If you cant support yourself tough sh*t. Peoples families should help out more than the government being expected to care for everyone.  

  2. 1. Pretty much a Capitalist, just not hard core.

    2. 40 years Democrat, last 5 Republican, going Independent

    3. Was a member of a think-tank several years ago.  We studied all the various taxes levied against every American.  There's approximately 782 different types of taxes levied against us and an unbelievable number of hidden fees and levies.  We also got our hands on a US Compendium of Statistical Analysis which included a whole lot of banking information.  Banking monies are divided up into categories according to how they are handled by the banks.  M-1 are all those funds handled as everyday currency through checking accounts and the like.  It represents the cash flow of America and the world.  The cash flow is in the trillions and trillions of dollars.  Applying the calculator to those figures we found that we could asses less than a penny on the dollar and produce enough revenue to completely wipe out the need for all of the other taxes combined and at all levels of government and have nearly double the revenues that we raise under the current system which doesn't meet our needs.  The politicians know about this but none of them have the cajones to grab the ball and run with it.  None of them have an excuse for not doing it other than they don't want to be the first neck in the noose.  

  3. 1) I don't know, I'm a bit of each.  More Socialist, I guess.

    2) I don't go by parties, but for president, I prefer Obama.

    3) I don't mind our present system.  I pay a lot of taxes, but am actually proud to pay them.  I have gotten a lot from this country.  This is a minority view, of course.

    If these are homework questions, you'll need to come up with your own answers.

  4. i agree 100% with the first answer

  5. 1) Capitalist

    2) Libertarian

    3) Flat tax capped at perhaps something like 25% of total income or earnings.  Maybe 17% to federal, 6% to state and 2% to local.  All govts (fed, state, local) would have to work with that 25% period.  End welfare.  End warfare.  End prosecution and imprisonment for victimless crimes.  That's it in a nutshell.

  6. 1) Capitalist, radically so. Ayn Rand style.

    2) I don't really care for political parties, they change their views to much. But Libertarian seems to be closest to my views. I supported Ron Paul for the Republican party and Mary Ruwart for the libertarian party. I will probably vote Bob Barr

    3) A fair tax system could only come into being if we redefined what the role of government ought to be. Dramatically decrease spending first. If that happens I think we can completely get rid of the IRS and federal income tax. The federal government could raise tariffs on Chinese and other goods from overseas which would help bring jobs back home too. Federal could keep its sales taxes on gas and other hidden taxes it already has, they could charge more for using park systems and other federally owned land too among other things.

    States/city and county could tax like they do now in whatever manner they choose. Your local and state tax pay for most of what you use anyway - I think many people do not understand this and they think federal pays for schools and jails when that is simply not true. Business would continue as normal.


    If you insist we need a federal tax than tax every little thing we buy by 1% - EVERYTHING. Cato did the math and if they got rid of the federal income tax today if you taxed everything 1%  the federal government would be bringing in more money now than it is with the income tax system and this would be much fairer.

    I also want to say that if you got rid of the federal income tax today the government would have the same amount of money coming in as it did ten years ago. Thats right. Ten years ago the government ran on that much money less and that was under a democrat! Go figure.

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