
What is a First-Year Seminar

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I;m going to college and am registered in a first year seminar class... What is it?




  1. This is a class for new freshmen that tells you all about how college works and introduces you to the school a bit.

    Usually it will include things like how to pick a major (and what is a major and minor) and how to select your classes and how to drop/add a class and how to find your advisor/registrar/dean/chair/etc...

    You will get the obligatory lectures such as "go to class" and "don't party too much" and you will meet some of your new classmates who also know nothing about going to college.

    Some people don't pay attention in this seminar and then 4 years from now (when it's time to graduate) say "but nobody told me that I had to take a writing intensive course every year" or "I didn't know changing my major ever semester would be bad" or "I thought it was ok to just take History 106 instead of History 101 even though the catalog says to take History 101"  Don't be one of those - there are a bunch of them every year at graduation time.  This is where they were supposed to be told those things and they probably skipped that day.

    It's an easy A but can save you $1000s too - just go every class.  Ã¢Â˜Âº

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