
What is a Geisha???????

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I saw the movie Memoirs of a Geisha but doesn't really explain what they are. Thanks if you answer!!!!!




  1. Geisha or Geiko are traditional, female Japanese entertainers, whose skills include performing various Japanese arts, such as classical music and dance. Contrary to popular belief, geisha are not prostitutes.

  2. A female entertainer

    Here's wikipedia's definition:

    Geisha (芸者, Geisha?) or Geiko (芸妓, Geiko?) are traditional, female Japanese entertainers, whose skills include performing various Japanese arts, such as classical music and dance. Contrary to popular belief, geisha are not prostitutes.

  3. If you read Autobiography of a Geisha by Sayo Masuda you find out that quite a few of them were essentially high class whores.  Although not every Geisha was a prostitute,a lot were and they were basically slaves.  It is not as romantic as some people try to make out, which is why you don't see many of them these days in modern Japan.

  4. A Japanese, female entertainer... I think I saw that movie....

    BTW, they're not prostitues, contrary to the common belief...

  5. I read Memoirs of a Geisha and then did some research to really understand because the book is written by a western male and so were the producers, writers, directors etc.  Although he did interviews and research he took liberties in order to forward the romantic element, similarly the director took creative liscense to give the movie effect.

      In traditional Japanese culture the Geisha lived in houses of entertainment.  For females who had disgraced their families or came from poor families they were sold into this type of indentured servitude(heard this but haven't found an official reference).  But as time went on quality women were also found joining these houses.  For financial freedom and respect.

         Once they enter these houses they are either staff to ensure the running of the house or they enter Geisha training as a Maiko (5 years).  They study the appropriate dress, make-up, song, dance, music and important serving ceremonies for tea and meal.

         Many of the websites I looked at assert that the true Geisha which translates into Gei = Art, sha=person, were not prostitutes though at one time prostitutes and Geisha lived in close proximity and often serviced the same clientele.

         Geiko distinguishes itself as a particular region (Kyoto hanamachi) while Geisha was from the Tokyo dialect and thus became more the more recognized term the world over.  The Hangyoku (han = 1/2 gyoku = amount charged for full Geisha) was the Geiko equivalent to the Geisha Maiko.  It is believed that prostitutes often called themselves Geisha when meeting US military men during war time and as a result the men returned to America telling sordid stories of their time with the 'Geesha girls', when in fact they were really just prostitutes.

         Although Geisha look meticulously dressed and their style is traditional and servile, the women undergo much training and duress in order to fit into the role and perform these acts.  Each 'art' has specific rules and guidelines that must be followed.  The better you are the better the 'Gyoku' (the amount paid for full Geisha).

         Personally I find Japanese culture extremely fascinating because of all of the meticulous work put into it as well as the continuation of their beautiful history.  In so many ways the world continues to move forward and those small things such as tea and a meal, and music and dance are treated so shabbily.  The Geisha of today still exist in smaller numbers but are still dedicated to carrying on a wonderful and delicate tradition.  I'm sure that with any and all things that make women look servile it is easy to believe it was all negative and in that the make-up could sometimes discolor and poison the skin, and the binding of the feet and b*****s caused for developmental complications, in the long run you have to keep in mind that this tradition gave women a pride as well as an independance in a world where women in general had no real life choices.  

         The Geisha lived with women, were taught by women, made and shared their profits with women and the homes run by women.  It was a service provided to men but exploited by women.  So I admire the Geisha is appearing to be the delicate flower and making a killing by doing it.  

  6. japanese term for a beautiful girl, an entertainer.  

  7. sort of glorified slaves..  

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