
What is a German hostel like?

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What is a German hostel like?




  1. The hostel I went to in Germany was extremely clean, because they made you clean up yourself! We had to turn in our sheets and pillowcases and stuff like that in the laundry, and we had to serve ourselves dinner and clean up after. The only downside was the public bathroom.

  2. I stayed in two different hostels while in Germany and they were both very different.

    The first hostel I stayed in was in the Harz Mountains. Although generally clean, the rooms were built to contain multiple people (6-10). Luckly for me I was traveling with a group and did not have to stay with any strangers, the girls in the group were not so lucky. Also, this place had public bathrooms. If you lived in a dorm, you should have no problem with this.

    The second hostel I stayed in was in Dresden. It was much more like a hotel. Each room had two beds and one bathroom. It was very much like a hotel, just with no phone, TV, etc.

    I would guess from my experiences that hostels in the city are a little better then those in more rural areas. Safety was never a concern, and breakfast is always served.

  3. They're very clean and usually located in good spots. There are more than 600 of them in Germany. Here's some background info:

    "Germany is the country where youth hostelling began.

    The first hostel came about in 1909 through the efforts of Richard Schirrmann, a schoolteacher who took his class on regular excursions. This led to the foundation of the German YHA which now has over 600 hostels throughout Germany, including large city hostels and beautifully situated lodges and rural properties.

    There are close to 100 independent hostels in Germany. Many of these are part of the German Backpacker Network.

    Large cities such as Berlin and Munich offer a good selection of hostels, these do tend to get booked out during key events such as Love Parade and Oktoberfest and at many weekends during the year so advance booking is recommended."



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