
What is a German run?

by  |  earlier

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our coach said were are going to do it, but i don't know what it is

incite please thanks




  1. I believe that you have to run in a line (or two lines) together. The people in front run while the people in the back have the sprint up to the front of the front people. Like an indian run or ladder run. I never heard it being called a German run :-0...  It's just a training exercise so a German run is probably bigger that just doing an indian run if the coach announces it. He say that the day before the training unless it was some kind of hard exercise or formation. I'm also thinking that it is a play in soccer.

  2. fds

  3. like a Swedish run but faster

  4. where you run and raise your arm while yelling "sieg heil!"

  5. its probably like an indian run, they make u run in a line and the person in teh back sprints up to the front and then the next person goes and its a continuous cycle for however long your coach makes you do it. it sucks.

  6. its where u run and poo poo in ur pants
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