
What is a Global Passport?

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If I have a Global Passport, can I travel to all participating countries without a Visa to that particular country?




  1. "Global Passports" are a scam.  No country recognizes them, or honors them.  Here is a single example of one of the oldest private organizations that purports to issue "passports" but, as you have discovered, there are lots of other hairbrained groups willing to take your money in exchange for nothing useful:

    "9 FAM 41.104 N4 World Service Authority Passports

    (TL:VISA-2; 08-30-1987)

    World Service Authority Passports are not acceptable as “passports” for visa issuing purposes. The World Service Authority is a private organization and not a “competent authority” within the meaning of INA 101(a)(30). The document is a 40-page, passport-size document with a bright blue cover with gold lettering."

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