
What is a HD panel?

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I have a 50inch plasma tv, Although It is not HD when I tried searching the model number (TH-50PV30) I found out it has a HD panel as per a spec sheet I found on the net. Does this mean it has HD capability? and if so how do I go about making it HD?




  1. Number of pixels determine if it's HD or not. has to be at least 720p (number of pixels going vertically). Regular old CRT tv's are around 400-something I think. Also HDTVs should have capability of 16:9 aspect ratio.

    To get HD content you need cable or satellite feed that can give you the 720p signals. You'll probably need a special HD receiver to replace the regular one.

    You can also get it free over-the-air with an antenna if your locality provides it. But usually only your basic public channels.

    You can also get HD with HD-DVD or Bluray Players. Best to go with Bluray because HD-DVD just folded. You don't really need one of these players right now as they are fairly expensive. a regular DVD player with upconversion can look very good. I'm waiting a while until the price comes down.

    You can read up more here:

  2. Yes your tv is HD campatable. To get HD you need a HD box which you have to get from sky or other sat suppliers. It will cost around £150 for the box then you have to pay a monthly sum for the channels which varies on which package. The HD alone is £10.00.
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