
What is a HOV lane?

by Guest67213  |  earlier

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What is a HOV lane?




  1. Qualification for HOV status varies by locality, and may require more than two people. When an automobile is used as an HOV, the group of people using it is often called a carpool, though the term HOV includes buses and vans. However, bus lanes may not necessarily be intended for use by carpools. An HOV or carpool may be allowed to travel on special road lanes, usually denoted with a diamond marking in the United States and Canada, on which single occupant vehicles and trucks are prohibited, called restricted lanes, carpool lanes or diamond lanes. In some cases, single occupant vehicles are allowed provided that they are hybrid vehicles or use native fuels. U.S. federal law states that HOV lanes "must allow motorcycles and bicycles to use the HOV facility, unless either or both create a safety hazard."[1] In Canada, no such exemptions exist. In some areas, such as Southern California, Hartford, Connecticut, Seattle Area, Boston Area and the Greater Toronto Area, the HOV lanes are full-time, while in others, such as the San Francisco Bay Area, Phoenix, Long Island, and Northern New Jersey, they are usable by other vehicles outside of peak hours. Honolulu uses a "zipper" barrier to create an additional HOV lane on the westbound side of Interstate H-1 during peak hours.

  2. stands for high occupancy vehicle

    it's supposed to encourage people to car pool and it's a lane a driver can use if he/she has more than 2 people in the car or whatever number may be on the HOV sign

    ex HOV 3 at least 3 people.

    yay drivers ed! lol

  3. Danielle nailed it. can't add much but sometimes they have a different speed limit and controlled access.

  4. High Occupancy Vehicle
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