
What is a Hilarious Dinner?

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What is a Hilarious Dinner?




  1. at a fancy place where we make a reservation: a dinner where whenever the person across from me goes to take a bite, i yell NO!, reach across the table, frantically grab their fork and scarf down their bite of food, then resume eating my dinner.

  2. My boyfriend first met my family when we went out to dinner.  In the same sentence, my father called him my ex's name and spit a piece of rice out of his mouth that bounced off of my bf's forehead!

  3. naked sunday lunch

  4. In college I went to dinner with my new boyfriend and parents at a Friendly's.  My dad (jokingly) said 'order the cheapest thing on the menu'.  My boyfriend ordered the plain hamburger no fries, later I was like ew gross why did you order that it looked like a hockey puck. He said your dad said order the cheapest thing on the menu.

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