
What is a Holocaust survivor?

by  |  earlier

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i really have to no and w hat is smegma?




  1. Someone who survived the Holocaust.

    And if you really want to know what smegma is, look here:

    That should help. ;]

  2. A person who survived the Holocaust!

  3. During World War II, Hitler and the n**i party systematically persecuted people who were of Jewish decent. They imprisoned them, tattoo a serial number on them, and took all their possessions (glasses, gold from their fillings, and even their hair). Next, they would mass execute them by stripping them and put them into gas chambers that resembled showers. Their bodies would be cremated. Hitler called this his final solution. The world calls this the Holocaust. We cannot let this or anything like this happen again. God bless.

  4. A Holocaust survivor is someone who lived through the Holocaust. DUH!

  5. Someone who has survived a great fire or a great deal of destruction.

  6. these are the fortunite people that survide the holcaust. while the germans

    were killing off the jews,gas chambers, public exicution, etc

    these were the ones that managed to get away and live..

  7. A Holocaust Survivor is one who has survived the persecution of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and others, during the period 1933-1946.

  8. it's someone who survived the holocaust of WW2. most of them are jewish people who survived the concentration camps Hitler put them into.

  9. some fan crying because he didn't an autograph

  10. a person who was in the n**i concentration or death camps and survived.

    smegma is a sebaceous secretion under a man's f******n.

  11. Someone who survived the Holocaust (World War 2 eradication of jews by the n***s) and Smegma is p***s cheese i think

  12. Google it!  Go to Google and type in Holocaust Survivor and you will get an abundance of historical information.

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