
What is a Hydro-Power?

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What is a Hydro-Power?




  1. it is an alternative to coal energy power, it is clean and efficient, it is used in the ;'snowy' mountains of australia it is a by product of the 'murrumbidgee irrigation system'. It can be used in any mountainous area that can use gravity feed - switzerland etc

  2. Hydro-Power, as said it is generated using water to run turbines. Hydro-Power is generated at Water Dams.                Process is like, water flowing in rivers is stagnated by constructing dams, then released to go turn the turbine wheel, which is connected to some equipments(which convert mechanical energy to electrical energy) to produce electricity. In short as perception, Hydro is water, Power is electricity, Power generated using water as the medium to generate electricity is Hydro-electricity or Hydro-Power.

    Hydro is with water, and Pneumatic is with air.


  4. Hydro power  is the electricity power generated by dam water

  5. Hydropower or hydraulic power is the force or energy of moving water. It may be captured for some useful purpose.

    Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, and sawmills. A trompe produces compressed air from falling water, which could then be used to power other machinery at a distance from the water.

    In hydrology, hydropower is manifested in the force of the water on the riverbed and banks of a river. It is particularly powerful when the river is in flood. The force of the water results in the removal of sediment and other materials from the riverbed and banks of the river, causing erosion and other alterations

  6. Water used for power generation.

  7. Hydropower or hydraulic power is the force or energy of moving water. It may be captured for some useful purpose.

    Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, and sawmills. A trompe produces compressed air from falling water, which could then be used to power other machinery at a distance from the water.

    In hydrology, hydropower is manifested in the force of the water on the riverbed and banks of a river. It is particularly powerful when the river is in flood. The force of the water results in the removal of sediment and other materials from the riverbed and banks of the river, causing erosion and other alterations.

    3 days ago

  8. hydro power is generated at big dams... or at waterfalls...

    turbines are operated with the water flowing with a tremendous force... and electric generators are run with the the help of the turbines...

    it would be so exciting to watch the entire electricity generation process... simply with the help of falling water...

    do visit a dam and observe for yourself...

    in India... bhakhra nangal dam... hirakud dam... and likes are worth visiting...

  9. its a current got by using the current(or flow) of any river

  10. the power generatd by the water, when water is made to fall on the turbine there a power generated, is called a hydro power.

  11. Hydropower or hydraulic power is the force or energy of moving water. It may be captured for some useful purpose.

    Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, and sawmills. A trompe produces compressed air from falling water, which could then be used to power other machinery at a distance from the water.

    In hydrology, hydropower is manifested in the force of the water on the riverbed and banks of a river. It is particularly powerful when the river is in flood. The force of the water results in the removal of sediment and other materials from the riverbed and banks of the river, causing erosion and other alterations.

  12. generating energy from the mean source water is knnown as the hydro power

  13. Hydropower has been used for hundreds of years. In India, water wheels and watermills were built; in Imperial Rome, water powered mills produced flour from grain, and were also used for sawing timber and stone. The power of a wave of water released from a tank was used for extraction of metal ores in a method known as hushing. Hushing was widely used in Britain in the Medieval and later periods to extract lead and tin ores. It later evolved into hydraulic mining when used during the California gold rush.

    In China and the rest of the Far East, hydraulically operated "pot wheel" pumps raised water into irrigation canals. In the 1830s, at the peak of the canal-building era, hydropower was used to transport barge traffic up and down steep hills using inclined plane railroads. Direct mechanical power transmission required that industries using hydropower had to locate near the waterfall. For example, during the last half of the 19th century, many grist mills were built at Saint Anthony Falls, utilizing the 50 foot (15 metre) drop in the Mississippi River. The mills contributed to the growth of Minneapolis. Hydraulic power networks also existed, using pipes carrying pressurized liquid to transmit mechanical power from a power source, such as a pump, to end users.

    Today the largest use of hydropower is for the creation of hydroelectricity, which allows low cost energy to be used at long distances from the water source.

  14. there are many hydropower- i.e hydropowered plant produce electricity by water flowing from dam to turbine that produce power, and or hydro-powered car which powered by separating water molecules into fuel --- oxygen and carbon-- serve as fuel when in process of combustion like a gasoline-- hydro means water.

  15. the power  generated from water(hydro) is called hydro power.  from water electriity is generated. it is mostly used source& is pollutionfree. it is alternative source of energy.

  16. “Hydro” means “water” in Latin – so “hydro power” is made from water.

    It might sound odd that we can use water to make electricity - they're a dangerous combination, right? Actually, the water never comes in contact with the electricity. The water flowing down a river is used to spin the turbines inside the generator.

    People have used water power for more than 2,000 years. Ancient Egyptians used water wheels for grinding grain, and early Americans learned how to use them for sawing wood.

    In the 1880s, scientists learned how to use a flowing river to spin the turbines of a generator. The first hydroelectric power plant in the U.S. opened on the Fox River near Appleton, Wisconsin, in 1882.

    By the 1940s, nearly half of the electricity in the United States came from hydro power. After World War II, coal power plants became more popular.

    Hydro power isn't very common in the Midwest because most of our rivers are small and slow. Alliant Energy has three hydro power plants, including one in Kilbourne, Wisconsin, that's been making electricity for more than 90 years!

    Most of the big hydroelectric power plants in the United States are in California, Oregon and Washington.

    People built dams to control the power of the big mountain rivers. Workers can change the amount of water flowing through the dam depending on the weather and how much electricity people need.

    The biggest hydroelectric dam in the United States is the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington. Started in 1933 and completed in 1942, it’s the largest concrete structure ever built: 5,233 feet long and 550 feet high!

    It has four power plants with 33 generators, making enough electricity for more than two million homes.

  17. hydro-power.....................

    Water power.......

  18. water powered electric generator

  19. Hydro means water and power means energy then hydro power means water energy. It is known as hydroelectricity. It is produced in dams and with the help of turbines.

  20. Hydro-Power is derived from the energy of falling water like water in the Dams falling from a height into turbines coupled to Electric Generators making them move to generate electricity.

  21. it is the power generated by the force of hi speed water


  22. Hydropower or hydraulic power is the force or energy of moving water. It may be captured for some useful purpose.

    Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, and sawmills. A trompe produces compressed air from falling water, which could then be used to power other machinery at a distance from the water.

    Hydropower has been used for hundreds of years. In India, water wheels and watermills were built; in Imperial Rome, water powered mills produced flour from grain, and were also used for sawing timber and stone. The power of a wave of water released from a tank was used for extraction of metal ores in a method known as hushing. Hushing was widely used in Britain in the Medieval and later periods to extract lead and tin ores. It later evolved into hydraulic mining when used during the California gold rush.

    In hydrology, hydropower is manifested in the force of the water on the riverbed and banks of a river. It is particularly powerful when the river is in flood. The force of the water results in the removal of sediment and other materials from the riverbed and banks of the river, causing erosion and other alterations.

    There are several forms of water power:

    Waterwheels, used for hundreds of years to power mills and machinery.

    Hydroelectricity, usually referring to hydroelectric dams, or run-of-the-river setups.

    Damless hydro, which captures the kinetic energy in rivers, streams and oceans.

    Tidal power, which captures energy from the tides in horizontal direction

    Tidal stream power, which does the same vertically

    Vortex power, which creates vortices which can then be tapped for energy

    Wave power, which uses the energy in waves.

    Some people regard hydropower as the ideal fuel for electricity generation because, unlike the nonrenewable fuels used to generate electricity, it is almost free, there are no waste products, and hydropower does not pollute the water or the air. However, it is criticized because it does change the environment by affecting natural habitats. For instance, in the Columbia River, salmon must swim upstream to their spawning grounds to reproduce, but the series of dams gets in their way. Different approaches to fixing this problem have been used, including the construction of "fish ladders" which help the salmon "step up" the dam to the spawning grounds upstream.

  23. hi,

    hydro power is

    power produced from power


  24. Hydro Power means the power generation through Hydal i.e., with water flow. The power generator wheel moves with the pressure of water from hi falls. nthen it rotates. simultaneously the winding in the generator runs and produces power supply.the power generated having around 11KV. THe stepup transformers converts the power into around 400 KVA and transmits tha same through the cables.

  25. hydro power is made by putting forced water on turbines connected to a dynamo by rotating that it converts mechanical energy to electrical energy and it is ued mainly it is prepared by constructing dams

  26. The power produced with help of water as a main source by various methods like (1)heating the water (2) free falling the water from considerable height to ratate turbines bellow(3) by using water as to press the mechanism etc is called a hydropower.

  27. Electric power generated by the currents of water.

  28. hydro means water and hydro power means power of water


  30. Something that is powered by water.

    Most likely the motion of water.

  31. an electricity created with the force genereated by the running water. if you want to know more about it why dont you google it. jog falls is the first hydro power station for the asian continent. i hope this will help you
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