
What is a Hysteroalpingo Gram?

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What is a HSG (I beleive that is the abreviation)?

How is is done?

Does it hurt?

Does it have to be done while I am on a period/bleeding?




  1. it's a test that will check that your tubes are open to make sure that you can get pregnant on your own. It's a bit painful but you'll be ok :) you can learn more about it here, and find others who have gone through it:

    best of luck!!!

  2. it's a test to check your tubes they take a die and shoot it in your tubes and it should fill up and spill out of both sides if you have no blockage i had one done about 3 months ago it does really hurt not anything you can't deal with and yeah you need either have had a period or just gotten off i don't really remember  

  3. HSG is a Hysterosalpingogram. A dye is pushed through your cervix via a catheter to your uterus and fallopian tubes. This test is used to identify abnormalities such as blockages or polyps.  A lot of women say it is painful but to be honest it did not bother me one bit however i did get a pelvic infection from it, which is common. This test needs to be done when you have stopped bleeding and preferably before you ovulate.I hope this helps!

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