
What is a Mafic Intrusion and what is an Ultramafic intrusion?

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What is a Mafic Intrusion and what is an Ultramafic intrusion?




  1. yea like the person above said.. In igneous rock intrusion is when magma goes through a layers or rock bed and solidifies. And mafic is typically dark rocks/minerals and felsic is light colored rocks/minerals Theres pictures of these intrusions just search them up.

  2. In this context, an intrusion is an 'igneous intrusion' , i.e. a body of magma that solidified below the Earth's surface.

    'Mafic' and 'ultramafic' refers to the mineral content of the rocks involved. Ultramafic rocks contain >90% dark minerals (e.g. olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, mica). Dark minerals are also important in mafic rocks but constitute <90%. Felsic rocks are dominated by pale minerals (quartz, feldspar, feldspathoids)  - just for completeness.

    So a mafic intrusion is an igneous intrusion formed of a mafic rock.

  3. I'm with the guys above.

    The more mafic the magma the closer it resembles mantle rock.  As hot magma travels upward to shallower depth it becomes less mafic as dense crystals form and settle out of the liquid under gravity (fractional crystallisation) and country rock is melted and added to the mix.  In this way the magma evolves away from the chemistry of the original mantle melt.

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